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NBI/Michael Sone Associates Inc.
193 Church Street Toronto, ON
M5B 1Y7
Telephone: 416-360-0424
e-mail: msone@nbicanada.com


August 2005




Table of Contents


Section  Page
About This Report iv
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Market Overview and Analysis:
Market Share, Service Segmentation, Market Dynamics, Influence of New     Technology, VoIP Dynamics, Traffic and Revenue Trends
3.0 Company Profiles 17
    3.1 ACN Canada 18
    3.2 Allstream 22
    3.3 Distributel 27
    3.4 Navigata 30
    3.5 Primus Canada 34
    3.6 Rogers Telecom (formerly Sprint Canada) 40
    3.7 SearsConnect 44
    3.8 Telehop Communications 48
    3.9 Yak Communications 53





Figure Page
Figure 1 Long Distance Revenues & Minutes of Traffic, 2003-2009 5
Figure 2 Telco Long Distance Revenue Market Share, 2003-2006 6
Figure 3 Business Sector Market Shares, by Carrier, 2004 9
Figure 4 Business Sector Market Shares, by Carrier, 2005 10
Figure 5 Business Market Size by Product Segment, 2004-2008 11
Figure 6 Residential Sector Market Shares, by Carrier, 2004 12
Figure 7 Residential Sector Market Shares, by Carrier, 2005 13
Figure 8 Long Distance Traffic, by Carrier, Millions of Minutes, 2004-2005 14
Figure 9 Long Distance Traffic, by Carrier, by Major Destination, 2004 15
Figure 10 Provincial Segmentation of Long Distance Revenues, 2004 16



About This Report


Published since the early-1990s, the Canadian Long Distance IXC/Resale Market Report has been one of NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ most popular and referenced reports. The 2005 Edition is the ninth instalment in the series.

As with the previous edition, this version contains succinct and focussed discussions of market segmentation, details on specific service sectors, traffic patterns, market share, service provider tactics and where NBI/Michael Sone Associates believes the market is headed in light of an increasing array of communications alternatives (e-mail, wireless, VoIP) to traditional long distance service.

We have also provided quantitative information in a series of 10 charts. This includes a four-year market share presentation (incumbents versus entrants) for each of the consumer and commercial sectors. There are also charts that illustrate in more detailed fashion the share for the most recent and upcoming years for the consumer & business sectors individually as well as a five-year segmentation within the latter by product category of outbound, inbound and card services. In addition, we re-visit and forecast the entire market for total revenues and minutes of traffic over a seven-year period. We have also provided information of traffic patterns broken our by major destination (domestic, U.S. and overseas) for each major carrier.

Of course, in the tradition of all NBI/Michael Sone Associates reports, we have provided detailed quantitative and qualitative profiles of nine Service Providers. These profiles discuss segmentation of revenues by service, marketing and sales activities, product positioning and expected future initiatives.




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