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September, 1998


Table Of Contents

About this Report vi
SONET Systems 9
OC-1/3/12 Systems 13
OC-48/192 Systems 18
Microwave Radio Systems 22
SONET Radio 27
Asynch Radio 31
Digital Cross Connect 35
Digital Loop Carrier 39
Channel Banks 43
T1 Multiplexers 47
Fiber Terminals 51
Alcatel Canada 56
Digital Microwave 59
Fujitsu 61
Harris Farinon 64
Lucent 66
NEC 69
Newbridge 72
Northern Telecom 73
SR Telecom 77
Tellabs 79


List Of Exhibits

Exhibits   Page
Exhibit 1 Public Transmission Equipment Demand, by Equipment Type, Total Stentor/Telco and Other Carrier, 1996-2000 3
Exhibit 2 Public Transmission Equipment Demand, by Equipment Type, Stentor/Telco Companies, 1996-2000 4
Exhibit 3 Public Transmission Equipment Demand, by Equipment Type, Other Carriers, 1996-2000 5
Exhibit 4 Public Network Trans. Equip., Supplier Market Shares, 1996 6
Exhibit 5 Public Network Trans. Equip., Supplier Market Shares, 1997 7
Exhibit 6 SONET Systems, Market Size & Supplier Market Shares, 1996 & 1997 11
Exhibit 7 SONET Systems Demand, 1996-2000 12
Exhibit 8 OC-1/3/12 Systems, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 16
Exhibit 9 OC-1/3/12 Demand, 1996-2000 17
Exhibit 10 OC-48/192 Systems, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 20
Exhibit 11 OC-48/192 Demand, 1996-2000 21
Exhibit 12 Microwave Radio Syst., Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 25
Exhibit 13 Microwave Radio Systems Demand, 1996-2000 26
Exhibit 14 SONET Radio, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 29
Exhibit 15 SONET Radio Demand, 1996-2000 30
Exhibit 16 Asynch Radio, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 33
Exhibit 17 Asynch Radio Demand, 1996-2000 34
Exhibit 18 Dig. Cross Connect, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 37
Exhibit 19 Digital Cross Connect Demand, 1996-2000 38
Exhibit 20 Dig. Loop Carrier, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 41
Exhibit 21 Digital Loop Carrier Demand, 1996-2000 42
Exhibit 22 Channel Banks, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 45
Exhibit 23 Channel Banks Demand, 1996-2000 46
Exhibit 24 T1 MUXes, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 49
Exhibit 25 T1 MUXes Demand, 1996-2000 50
Exhibit 26 Fiber Terminals, Mkt. Size & Supplier Mkt. Shares, 1996 & 1997 53
Exhibit 27 Fiber Terminals Demand, 1996-2000 54
Exhibit 28 Alcatel Canada, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 58
Exhibit 29 Fujitsu, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 63
Exhibit 30 Lucent, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 68
Exhibit 31 NEC, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 71
Exhibit 32 Northern Telecom, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 76
Exhibit 33 Tellabs, Public Transmission Equipment Sales, 1996 & 1997 81


About This Report

NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ Canadian Public Network Transmission Equipment Market Report, 1998 Edition is the most comprehensive and detailed study of this market ever undertaken. It represents NBI’s fourth such endeavor; previous editions were published in 1989, 1992 and 1995.

At 81 pages in length, including 33 exhibits, this report provides a rigorous quantitative and qualitative analysis of the industry based on extensive surveying and interviewing of all vendors.

The report is divided into two main sections.

The first examines 11 different market segments and includes discussions of market dynamics, demand projections through 2000, analysis of the players in each segment, and market shares by segment. In sizing the market, NBI has taken into account sales not only to telephone companies, but also to "Other Carriers" including IXC, CLEC, cellular/PCS and CATV companies. This is the first edition to present detailed market forecasts broken out by these two sectors.

The second section presents corporate profiles of the 10 most significant vendors in this industry. Included in this section is information on 1996 and 1997 revenues (segmented by product line), customer base and future plans.

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