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July, 1999


Table Of Contents

Section Page
About This Report v
1.0 Introduction


1.1  Terminology 3
2.0 The Economics of Routing an International Minute


3.0 Market  Overview & Analysis 10
3.dotclear.gif (886 bytes)1dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Retail Sector 10
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)3.1.1dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Residential Market 10
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)3.1.2dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Business Market 12
3.2dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Wholesale Sector 14
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)3.2.1dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Wholesale Service Transiting 15
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)3.2.2dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Future of Wholesale 16
4.0 Market Size, Share & Growth 18
5.0 Regulatory Overview, Issues & Implications 21
5.1 Decision 97-18 - Summary 22
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.1dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Routing Restrictions Removed 23
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.2dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Licensing Regime 23
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.3dotclear.gif (886 bytes)IRU Status 24
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.4dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Accounting Benchmarks 25
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.5dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Teleglobe Forbearance 25
dotclear.gif (886 bytes)5.1.6dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Contribution 26
6.0 Company Profiles
6.1dotclear.gif (886 bytes)AMI Telecommunications 29
6.2dotclear.gif (886 bytes)AT&T Canada 32

6.3dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Bell Canada


6.4dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Call-Net U.K./Sprint Canada


6.5dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Destia Canada


6.6dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Deutsche Telekom 46
6.7dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Empire One Telecommunications 48
6.8dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Equant 51
6.9dotclear.gif (886 bytes)Excel Communications Canada 53
6.10 France Telecom 57
6.11 Global One 59
6.12 North American Gateway 62
6.13 Primus Telecom Group 65
6.14 RSL COM Canada 69
6.15 STAR Telecommunications 73
6.16 Startec Global Communications 75
6.17 Teleglobe 78

6.18 Telus



Edl.gif (1552 bytes)

List Of Exhibits

Exhibit Page
Exhibit 1 Market Size & Share, by Company, by Switched Minute Revenue Retail Sector,  1997-2000 20
Exhibit 2 Market Size & Share, by Company, by Switched Minute Volume Retail Sector, 1997-2000 20
Exhibit 3 Segmentation of Teleglobe's Traffic, 1995-2000 89
Exhibit 4 Teleglobe market share 1997-2000 89
Exhibit 5 Product Line Segmentation of Retail Revenues, by Company, 1998 90
Exhibit 6 Product Line Seg. of Retail Rev. in Pct., by Company, 1998 90
Exhibit 7 Product Line Segmentation of Retail Revenues, by Company, 1999 91
Exhibit 8 Product Line Seg. of Rev. in Pct., by Company, 1999 91


About This Report

At over 90 pages, NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ Canadian International Telecommunications Market Report, 1999 Edition represents the company's second publication on the rapidly changing international telecom landscape from a uniquely Canadian perspective. Simply put, this document is unlike any other available on this industry. 

While NBI's first report, published in late-1997, dealt principally with the regulatory environment, which at the time was in transition, this report focuses more on the current and future market dynamics and trends in the wake of the CRTC's decision to eliminate Teleglobe's monopoly as of October 1, 1998. To accomplish this, NBI conducted dozens of interviews with providers that are currently or plan to become actively involved in Canada's international telecommunications industry.

The report provides a rigorous examination of the retail market, including an analysis of size and share segmented for each of the consumer and business sectors, and voice and data sectors. The report looks at the revenues and traffic volumes associated with post-paid international switched minutes including 1+, 0+ and calling card. In addition, where appropriate, wholesale traffic and revenues are given for the companies profiled within this report.

The report is divided into three main sections. The first discusses the major issues germane to the business, including the economics of international telephony, market analysis, market size & share and regulatory issues. The second section provides, in alphabetical order, detailed individual textual and numerical profiles of 18 long distance players active in the Canadian market for international calling. Finally, there are eight exhibits that present the quantitative support behind the analysis and discussion.

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