May, 1998
Table Of Contents
Section |
Page |
1.0 |
Introduction |
1 |
2.0 |
Market Overview and Analysis |
3 |
Pricing Dynamics, Death of Distance,
Service Segmentation |
3.0 |
Market Size, Share and
Growth |
12 |
3.1 |
Revenues, Minutes and Customers |
12 |
3.2 |
Regional Segmentation |
15 |
4.0 |
Bundling & Packaging:
The Holy Grail? |
18 |
5.0 |
Industry Consolidation
& Acquisition |
24 |
6.0 |
Forbearance & the
Intensity of Competition |
29 |
6.1 |
Teleglobe: The Wild Card? - An
Analysis |
31 |
7.0 |
The Canadian Rebiller
Market |
39 |
8.0 |
Company Profiles |
41 |
8.1 |
42 |
8.2 |
ACN Canada |
49 |
8.3 |
AT&T Canada |
51 |
8.4 |
Canadian Tire Acceptance |
62 |
8.5 |
City Dial |
64 |
8.6 |
Distributel |
67 |
8.7 |
69 |
8.8 |
Glentel |
80 |
8.9 |
London Telecom |
82 |
8.10 |
Primus Canada |
87 |
8.11 |
Sears PhonePlan |
89 |
8.12 |
Sprint Canada |
91 |
8.13 |
Telehop |
103 |
8.14 |
West Canelecommunications |
105 |
8.15 |
Westel Telecommunications |
107 |
8.16 |
Westinghouse Communications |
111 |

List Of Exhibits And Figures
Exhibit/Figure |
Page |
Figure 1 |
Canadian IXC/Resale Market, Revenues, 1994-2000 |
9 |
Figure 2 |
Canadian IXC/Resale Market, Minutes Billed, 1994-2000 |
10 |
Figure 3 |
Canadian IXC/Resale Market, Market Shares, 1997 &
1998 |
11 |
Figure 4 |
Canadian Long Distance Market Share: Telcos vs.
APLDS, 1994-2000 |
14 |
Figure 5 |
Canadian IXC/Resale Market, Provincial
Mkt.Segmentation, 1997/98 |
17 |
Figure 6 |
Long Distance Market Shares, Top 4 APLDS vs. others,
1994-1998 |
28 |
Exhibit 1 |
IXC & Reseller Revenues and Market Shares,
1996-1998 |
114 |
Exhibit 2 |
Product Line Segmentation of Revenues, by
IXC/Reseller, 1997 |
115 |
Exhibit 3 |
Product Line Segmentation of Revenues, by
IXC/Reseller in %, 1997 |
115 |
Exhibit 4 |
Product Line Segmentation of Revenues, by
IXC/Reseller, 1998 |
116 |
Exhibit 5 |
Product Line Segmentation of Revenues, by
IXC/Reseller in %, 1998 |
116 |
Exhibit 6 |
Number of Customers, by IXC/Reseller, 1996-1998 |
117 |
Exhibit 7 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers, by IXC/Reseller,
1997 |
117 |
Exhibit 8 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers in percent, by
IXC/Reseller, 1997 |
118 |
Exhibit 9 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers by IXC/Reseller in
percent, 1997 |
118 |
Exhibit 10 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers, by IXC/Reseller,
1998 |
119 |
Exhibit 11 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers in percent, by
IXC/Reseller, 1998 |
119 |
Exhibit 12 |
Number of Bus. and Res. Customers by IXC/Reseller in
percent, 1998 |
120 |
Exhibit 13 |
Revenues per Customer, by IXC/Reseller, 1996-1998 |
120 |
Exhibit 14 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation, by IXC/Reseller,
1997 |
121 |
Exhibit 15 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation in percent, by
IXC/Reseller, 1997 |
121 |
Exhibit 16 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation, by IXC/Reseller, in
percent, 1997 |
122 |
Exhibit 17 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation, by IXC/Reseller,
1998 |
123 |
Exhibit 18 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation in percent, by
IXC/Reseller, 1998 |
123 |
Exhibit 19 |
Provincial Revenue Segmentation, by IXC/Reseller, in
percent, 1998 |
124 |
Exhibit 20 |
Number of Business Customers, by IXC/Reseller, by
Province, 1997 |
125 |
Exhibit 21 |
Number of Business Customers, by IXC/Reseller, in %
by Prov., 1997 |
125 |
Exhibit 22 |
Number of Residential Customers, by IXC/Reseller, by
Province, 1997 |
126 |
Exhibit 23 |
Number of Residential Customers, by IXC/Res., in % by
Prov., 1997 |
126 |
Exhibit 24 |
Billed Minutes, by IXC/Reseller, 1996-1998 |
127 |
Exhibit 25 |
Billed Minutes per Customer, by IXC/Reseller,
1996-1998 |
127 |
Exhibit 26 |
Billed Minutes, by IXC/Reseller, by Destination, 1997 |
128 |
Exhibit 27 |
Billed Minutes, by IXC/Reseller, by Destination in
percent, 1997 |
128 |
Exhibit 28 |
Billed Minutes, by IXC/Reseller in percent, by
Destination, 1997 |
129 |
About This Report
The product of extensive primary
research and at over 125 pages in length, NBI/Michael Sone Associates' Canadian Long
Distance IXC/Resale Market Report, 1998 Edition is the most detailed and comprehensive
report ever published on this industry. It is extremely rich both in its quantitative and
qualitative analyses.
The report discusses the industry's major advancements and trends, past, present and
future including industry consolidation & acquisitions, pricing issues, regulatory
developments, the bundling phenomenon and the intensity of competition. No area of the
industry has been left unexplored. The report details market size, share and market growth
based on revenues, billed minutes and customer numbers.
As with the last edition, this year's report provides revenue segmentation by product
line for a three year period for each major competitor and customer segmentation
(both business and consumer individually) by province for the most recently completed
year, again, for each major competitor.
The report is divided into three main sections. The first section discusses the major
issues and developments germane to the industry. The second section provides, in
alphabetical order, individual textual and numerical profiles of 16 significant IXCs,
resellers and rebillers. The third section presents 34 Exhibits and Figures that quantify
the market on a number of different levels. Finally, there are three companies, Cam-Net,
TelcoPlus and Metcom, that were in the last report that are not included in this year's
edition. However, there are four new companies profiled in the current publication: ACN
Canada, Canadian Tire Acceptance, Primus Canada and Sears PhonePlan. |
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