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May 2000



Table Of Contents

Section  Page
About This Report v
1.0   Introduction  1
2.0   Market Overview & Analysis  3
        2.1   Multi-point bridging 3
        2.2   Public room rentals 5
        2.3   Local facilities and long distance charges 7
        2.4   Equipment sales 8
        2.5   Other revenues 12
3.0   Technology  13
3.1   The search for bandwidth 14
3.2   Standards  15
4.0    Corporate Profiles 17
          4.1    ADCOM 19
          4.2    Aliant 26
          4.3    Bell Canada 30
          4.4    Cervervision 35
          4.5    CEV 37
          4.6    Global Crossing 40
          4.7    Lucent 44
          4.8    MTS 47
          4.9    PictureTel 51
          4.10  Polycom 56
          4.11  Sony 60
          4.12  TANDBERG 63
          4.13  TELUS 68
          4.14  V-SPAN 72
          4.15  VTEL 76
          4.16  Briefly Noted 80
(Accutel, ACT, CAIL, ICU, Intel, IXCs        [AT&T Canada, Sprint Canada] Logitech, MultiComm, Norstan, Serendipity, Tekos [QuebecTel, SaskTel])


List Of Exhibits And Tables

Note: All exhibits below, except for those showing products 
line information, cover the period 1998-2002.

Exhibit   Page
 1 The Canadian Videoconferencing Market by Segment  4
2 Multi-point Bridging Revenues and Market Shares 6
3 Public Room Rental Revenues and Market Shares 6
4 Videoconferencing Equipment Sales by Manufacturer 9
5 Videoconferencing Equipment Sales by Channel 10
6 ADCOM - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 21
7 ADCOM - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 22
8 ADCOM - Equipment Sales Revenue 24
9 Aliant - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 27
10 Aliant - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 28
11 Bell Canada - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 32
12 Bell Canada - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 33
13 Bell Canada - Equipment Sales Revenue 33
14 Global Crossing - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 42
15 Global Crossing - Equipment Sales Revenue 42
16 MTS - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 48
17 MTS - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 49
18 MTS - Equipment Sales Revenue 49
19 PictureTel - Canadian Sales and Market Share 53
20 PictureTel - Product Line 54
21 Polycom - Canadian Sales and Market Share 57
22 Polycom - Product Line 58
23 Sony - Canadian Sales and Market Share 61
24 TANDBERG - Canadian Sales and Market Share 65
25 TANDBERG - Product Line 66
26 TELUS - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 69
27 TELUS - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 70
28 TELUS - Equipment Sales Revenue 70
29 V-SPAN - Multi-point Bridging Utilization and Revenue 73
30 V-SPAN - Public Room Utilization and Revenue 74
31 VTEL - Canadian Sales and Market Share 77
1 ITU Conferencing Standards 16


About This Report

This 82-page report from NBI/Michael Sone Associates presents an updated view of the Canadian videoconferencing market, last reported on in 1997. The extensive primary research that is the hallmark of all NBI reports was carried out over the past months. Information, both quantitative and qualitative, was analyzed and organized so as to provide the reader with a detailed understanding of the background, current state and probable future of the videoconferencing sector. The final product, Canadian Videoconferencing Market Report, 2000 Edition, is the most detailed research report available on this industry.

There have been significant changes since the 1997 report was issued. Some of the companies profiled in that report will not be found in the new edition due to mergers or acquisitions or a decision to leave the videoconferencing marketplace. However, many new participants have arrived on the scene so that a total of 15 detailed corporate profiles appear in the report.

Following an introduction in Section 1, NBI provides detailed quantitative data in Section 2 that identifies the size of the market and the future growth for five sectors: multi-point bridging; public room rental; local facilities and long distance; equipment sales; and a final category for related equipment and services. This section reports on the current and forecast market shares held by the various participants in the sectors in which they compete.

Section 3 deals briefly with the technology of videoconferencing and describes its evolution as well as the trends that will shape the future

Section 4 presents the all-important Corporate Profiles that provide a wealth of qualitative and quantitative information about 15 companies that are participants in the videoconferencing market, and provides an outlook as to what the future may have in store for each.

The report is supported by 32 comprehensive Exhibits and Tables that examine the videoconferencing market as a whole as well as providing detail on the individual companies.

The videoconferencing market will, NBI believes, experience significant growth and change in the next few years. This report explains what is driving the growth and identifies the companies that stand to benefit from it.

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