This is NBI/Michael Sone Associates’
inaugural report on the Canadian Professional Services Market
(CPSM). In this report, we have looked at Professional Services
provided to Telecommunications Service Providers by vendors
of such services. Specifically, the report examines System Integration
and Managed Services. Extensive primary research, the hallmark
of all NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ reports, was carried
out over the past several months to attempt to gain a unique
perspective on what is expected to be a fast growing area within
the Canadian telecom market. Information, both quantitative
and qualitative, was analyzed and organized so as to provide
the reader with an understanding of the background, current
state and probable future of the professional services sector.
The final product, Canadian Professional Services Market
Report, is unique in Canada and as is the case with
all NBI/Michael Sone Associates reports is based on many first-hand
interviews and primary sourcing of information.
The report is divided into six sections. Following
the introduction, an overview of the scope of the study, its
objectives and the methodology used to attain those objectives
are provided in Section 2. Section 3 provides our findings based
on discussions with the telecom service providers regarding
their future needs and their perception of large professional
service organizations. This section also provides conclusions
regarding the most significant opportunities and pitfalls for
professional services companies that wish to serve this market.
This sets the stage for Section 4, which summarizes the professional
services company profiles, detailing the companies’ relative
strengths and weaknesses in the context of Telecom Service Providers’
requirements and predilections. This is followed by Section
5 containing the actual profiles of five major companies: Accenture;
Alcatel; HP; IBM and Nortel. It should be noted that while the
body of the report contains substantial information on Ericsson,
insufficient time precluded us from constructing a profile similar
to that of other companies. Section 6 that sets out our estimate
of the size of the professional services market in Canada projected
to 2008.
The report is supported by a series of seven
figures. The first six present SWOT analyses of service providers
and professional services vendors, while the seventh illustrates
the market sizing over a five-year period.