NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ Canadian
Mobile Wireless Device and Network Equipment Market Report,
2008 Edition is the companion to our Canadian
Mobile Wireless Communications Services Market Report, 2007/2008
Edition. These reports remain the most comprehensive
studies published on this industry, examining in detail, for
both the equipment and service segments, topics such as market
size and growth, distribution strategies, product development,
pricing, technology issues and usage patterns. Section 1 of
this report consists of a detailed executive summary that provides
an overview of the industry in Canada as well as an analysis
of the key elements that will define the future. Section 2 is
devoted to the traditional handset and hybrid sectors with reference
to the latest technologies and the equipment vendors’
particular strategies. Prominence is given to profiles of the
major device manufacturers and discussions on their activities
and future plans as the industry moves towards the next generation
of wireless communications. This is followed in Section 3 with
a summary of the PC Card market.
Seven exhibits that provide shipment and installed base data
for device manufacturers, including projections to 2011 and
segmentation by technology, support the substantive and comprehensive
discussion. The handset shipment data contained therein is the
result of exhaustive primary-sourced research and is, in our
opinion, the best available view of the Canadian market.