The Canadian Wi-Fi/WiMAX Market Report,
2008 Edition is NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ fourth report
on this market segment and is the most comprehensive and rigorously
researched document available on the subject in Canada.
At around 50 pages, the report is as much intended to provide
an insight on this sector’s future developments as past
activity and current status. It is divided into three main sections.
The first comprises an executive summary that provides an overview
of the Canadian market and concludes with two (2) figures illustrating
past, current and potential Wi-Fi hotspot and usage growth trends
in the industry and one (1) showing access locations by company.
This is followed by a tutorial that discusses major issues,
developments and technology pertinent to the industry for each
of the Wi-Fi and WiMAX sectors and their relationship with cellular
wireless, cable, and DSL technologies. The third section provides
profiles of over a dozen significant national and regional service
providers. These include the individual telcos, cablecos, as
well as a representative sample of the larger independent companies.
Each industry segment has been explored so that the report presents
services offered and planned, marketing activities, pricing,
as well as technology and application trends.
Please note that the mobile and fixed Internet markets are
examined and discussed in depth in NBI/Michael Sone Associates’
Canadian Mobile Wireless Communications Services Market Report,
2007/8 Edition and upcoming 2009 Edition and Canadian Internet
Service Providers Market Report, 2008 Edition respectively.
Please refer to these publications for information on these
market sectors.