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2007/2008 EDITION




NBI/Michael Sone Associates
193 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1Y7
Telephone 416-360-0424

March 2008




Table of Contents


Section  Page
About this Report v
A Note on Accuracy vi
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Service Providers 9
   2.1 Bell Mobility 9
   2.2 Bell Aliant 17
   2.3 MTS Allstream 19
   2.4 Rogers Wireless 25
      2.4.1 Fido 36
   2.5 SaskTel Mobility 37
   2.6 TELUS 41
3.0 Resale and Rental 49
   3.1 Rogers 49
      3.1.1 Cityfone 49
      3.1.2 Primus Canada 50
      3.1.3 7-Eleven 51
      3.1.4 Vidéotron 53
   3.2 Bell Canada 54
      3.2.1 OnStar 55
      3.2.2 PC Mobile 56
      3.2.3 Virgin Mobile 58
   3.3 RoadPost and Brightroam 62
      3.3.1 Roadpost 62
      3.3.2 Brightroam 63
4.0 Future Directions 66


List of Exhibits

Exhibit 1
Subscribers/Net Activations by Service Provider (2005-2010) 70
Exhibit 2
Subscribers by Service Provider by Province (2005-2010) 71
Exhibit 3
Subscriber % Share by Service Provider by Province (2005-2010) 72
Exhibit 4
Subscriber Penetration of Canadian Population (2005-2010) 72
Exhibit 5
Subscribers by Service Type and Market Segment,
by Service Provider (2005-2010)
Exhibit 6
Service Revenue & Average Minutes/Revenue
per Unit by Service Provider (2005-2010)
Exhibit 7
Monthly Churn (%) and Cost of Acquisition
by Service Provider (2005-2008)
Exhibit 8
One-way Messaging Subscribers,
by Service Provider and Total Revenues (2005-2010)
Exhibit 9
Two-Way Messaging Subscribers/Net Subscriber Additions,
by Service Provider and Total Revenues (2005-2010)
Exhibit 10
Text and SMS Users by Service Provider (2005-2010) 78
Exhibit 11
Text and SMS Messages by Service Provider (2005-2010) 78
Exhibit 12
Text and SMS Revenues by Service Provider (2005-2010) 78
Exhibit 13
Mobile Internet Browser Users by Service Provider (2005-2010) 78



About This Report


At around 90 pages, NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ Canadian Mobile Wireless Communications Services Market Report, 2007/2008 Edition continues to be the most comprehensive study published on this industry.

The report examines the cellular, wireless messaging and mobile data markets in Canada, focusing on both services currently offered and probable future developments of the industry. Of particular importance is the role of technological advances in popularizing the increased use of mobile data and Internet access and, therefore, their growing importance for the carriers’ network revenues. This phenomenon is examined through a detailed description of the services that have made this possible and examples of some new applications that promise even more potential in the near future.

The report opens with an Introduction that offers the reader a snapshot of the industry’s relevant issues, specifically the service providers’ performance, market share, penetration and future direction as indicated by the key metrics of their subscriber acquisition and growth, ARPU, usage rates and churn.

The following sections contain detailed profiles of the wireless service providers themselves. The discussion focuses on the effects of different airtime and mobile data plans, pre-paid packages, messaging and other value-added services, marketing programs and distribution channels on revenues, subscriber growth, usage patterns, acquisition costs and capital spending. A discussion on the expansion of the resale market and the advent of MVNOs follows.

The final part of the report offers the reader NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ view of the future with particular emphasis on the possible outcome of the upcoming spectrum auction.
Fourteen comprehensive Exhibits illustrate service provider-specific data including projections to 2010 for cellular customer and revenue growth, provincial analysis, segmentation between business & consumer accounts, breakdown between voice & data revenues and detail on SMS traffic and revenues. Exhibits on penetration rates, distribution channels and mobile browser users are also included as is the quantification of one-way and two-way messaging subscribers and associated revenues.

Please watch for our upcoming Canadian Mobile Wireless Communications Device Market Report, 2008 Edition.





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