At around 100 pages, NBI/Michael
Sone Associates’ Canadian Mobile Wireless Communications
Services Market Report, 2006 Edition continues to be
the most comprehensive study published on this industry.
The report examines the cellular, wireless messaging
and mobile data markets in Canada, focusing on both services
currently offered and probable future developments of the industry.
Of particular importance is the role of handset technological
advances and two-way messaging devices in popularizing the increased
use of mobile data and Internet access and, therefore, their
growing importance for the carriers’ network revenues.
This phenomenon is examined through a detailed description of
the services that have made this possible and a discussion of
new applications that promise even more potential in the near
The report opens with an Introduction that offers
the reader a snapshot of the industry’s relevant issues,
specifically the service providers’ performance, market
share, penetration and future direction as indicated by the
key metrics of their subscriber acquisition and growth, ARPU,
usage rates and churn. This is followed by a discussion on wireless
number portability (WNP).
The next two sections contain detailed profiles
of the wireless service providers themselves. The discussion
focuses on the effects of different airtime and mobile data
plans, pre-paid packages, messaging and other value-added services,
marketing programs and distribution channels on revenues, subscriber
growth, usage patterns, acquisition costs and capital spending.
A discussion on the expansion of the resale market and the advent
of MVNOs follows.
The final part of the report offers the reader
NBI/Michael Sone Associates’ view of the future with a
description of some additional technologies such as Wi-Fi-capable
phones, push-to-talk GSM, UMTS and GSM roaming for CDMA subscribers.
Fourteen comprehensive Exhibits illustrate service provider-specific
data including projections to 2009 for cellular customer and
revenue growth, provincial analysis, segmentation between business
& consumer accounts, breakdown between voice & data
revenues and detail on SMS traffic and revenues. Exhibits on
penetration rates, distribution channels and mobile browser
users are also included as is the quantification of one-way
and two-way messaging subscribers and associated revenues.
Please watch for our upcoming Canadian
Mobile Wireless Communications Device Market Report, 2007 Edition.